Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow day and slumber party!

The day after Christmas, it finally snowed!
So the day after that, we invited some of our best buddies over to build a snowman!
Bundled up, it's cold out there.

That smile has got to go, G. 
You drive me bonkers when I grab my new camera...on purpose I imagine.
I'm ready to build a snowman.
The kids on the other-hand, would rather make snow angels,
throw snowballs,
and simply just run/roll around in it.
Once I had him started, they were eager to assist.
Neighbor John was nice and gave us a couple sticks he had picked up in his yard.
We had mulch for hair and mouth, rocks for eyes, and some kind of nut or something for a nose.

It wasn't packing snow. This 'kid' snowman took effort. Plus the sun was beating down as you can see.
Next BIG snow...we are making a BIG snowman. A promise is a promise.
You think the kids would take a picture with me?
Nooooooo :(
But they loved him. For a minute. 
Then they wanted to knock him down.
Momma said No.
The Snow Kid is staying for a little bit.
The yard needed a little shoveling before going in to warm up and head for food.
 While I am not impressed nor a fan of Chick-Fil-A, there is a new one in Perrysburg, and they have a playroom inside. Glassed in. With tables and benches around it. 

For that reason. And that reason alone. This is our second time in as many months.
(see that man in the background? He's watching his kid jump and slide right now.)

Our deal was you had to actually eat some deep fried chicken and french fries before going in.
 Don't let that fruit bowl fool you into thinking this was a nutritious stop.

But they do give books in kid meals versus a toy. 
That's something anyway...
 Back to out house and little more play.
We decided to have a slumber party!
Jammies on, kids. Let's make popcorn!

I poured two small dishes so they each had a turn.
Pressly is a rookie.
It's just SO exciting!!
Peter Pan and popcorn.
Getting a lil sleepy, but they would never admit it.
Out like lights within minutes.
What a fun filled day!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas morning :)

"Mommy, it's CHRISTMAS! Santa came!" 
(quickly followed by)
"I told ya I was good."

(I slept on the couch...couldn't risk missing his face!)
Good behavior allowed to Santa bring him two Big Boot sets (Police and Fire), two small lego sets, 3 pairs of pajamas, 3 DVDs, an Angry Birds building game, a Doodle board and a Crayola dry erase board with activity sheets.
Now off to Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Cookies for Santa

It's Christmas Eve morning and soon Gavin will be leaving to spend the day and evening with his Daddy. 
So of course we had to make some special cookies for Santa before he took off!

Very simple this year. 
Roll of sugar cookies were baked last night so that they were ready to be frosted and sprinkled this morning after a bath.

We frosted, sprinkled, and laid them out to 'set.'

Then we dusted off our Santa plate...
and loaded her up!

See that little hand there??
Sure, we can sample them to make sure they are edible for the jolly big guy!
After returning home from Christmas with Daddy, we tracked Santa before heading to bed.

..he only comes if you are SLEEPING, kid ;)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Visiting Santa at Bass Pro

Let's try this again, shall we?
Another year visiting Santa at Bass Pro Shop that is.

We are another year older and very excited.

Our Bass Pass was for 5:30 so we couldn't get in line for almost 20 minutes. A little duck shooting is a perfect way to kill time. Pun intended.

Believe it or not, he blasted a couple ducks with that slingshot. 
Of course you can believe it. Super G is pretty amazing.

Good coaching, Grandpa!

He walked right up, sat on the lap of the man in red and told him what he wanted for Christmas.
CLAUStrophobic no more.

Enjoy a quick glance down memory lane.