Wednesday, December 12, 2012

From Mom

Dear G,

Oh bay-be. This too shall pass. It's going to get better sweet boy. You'll see. Mommy will never let you down. This I promise you.

I don't even know how to start this one, kiddo. Life has been overwhelming. We have gotten to play and do a few measly crafts after work lately, before bedtime, but I work so gosh darn much. And this past weekend, I just went the longest I ever have without seeing you....EVER. Three days. Mind you, you spent the weekend with your Daddy, like always, every other weekend, but you spent a night with Grandma and Grandpa the day before, which was not typical. But you had FUN!

Mommy needed a minute to unwind. Someday, when you are my age, you'll understand. But I will tell you that I missed you like crazy! I sent messages to G & G to see how you were doing and to make sure everything was good. I would have called...but didn't want to disrupt your fun. And let me tell you, when I got back early and came and picked you up and you SPRINTED to me with open arms screaming my name, I wondered how I ever left at all!!!

(truth is....I love you with all my heart kiddo, but Mommy is trying to figure things out) Where do we go from here? I thought I was on the road....but now I'm  not so sure.  I just don't know. But you know what?? I'm going to figure it out. You and me. We are a team and no matter what I figure out....YOU are first.

I love you.


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