Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Da-na-na-na-na-nah... They Say It's Your Birthday!...

I hope you’re picturing Anthony Michael Hall belt out this little catchy tune in Sixteen Candles right about now.

So today is my birthday.  Yup.  I'm 33 now, which feels pretty weird to say.  While I wish I had fewer wrinkles and a firmer bum, I really can't complain in any way.  Life is good.  According to a Yahoo survey, 33 is the best age of your life. (I'll let you know) But right now...I am so grateful for Gavin, amazing friends and family, and everything else that life has brought me.  There have been ups and downs, some pretty monumental roller coaster action this past year, but it's been quite an amazing ride so far. I think 33 has much in store for me.

So while I won't be posting anything crafty today, I do want to talk for a second.  
About my life.

First things first:

Thank you, Tim, for nearly 13 years. That is over a third of my life! While it takes two to make a happy and loving marriage, it also takes two for it to fall apart. I just wanted to thank you for giving me many happy memories. Most gave me an incredible and beautiful little boy. I could say a lot of things, but I'm choosing instead to simply say that I forgive you. For everything. I don't need to carry all that around anymore. It boils down to we lacked a very important thing: Communication. We lacked a lot of things. You may be the weak one for walking out....or maybe you're the stronger one for doing so.
As a country fan, perhaps I should just thank God, for unanswered prayers on this one.
Our chapter has ended. But my story does not end here.

Life goes on...

It already has started.

Now I do my best to take things in stride. More spontaneous. Plans change on a dime, as I've written before. And I like it. Not so much rushing around. When I'm not working, Gavin and I, we do what we feel like doing. We have lots of fun. I'm his Mommy....he is my purpose.

If you would have asked me ten years ago what I would be doing...I never would have guessed it would be divorced, single mom, and finally attempting to start a career. Nope, that would have been the LAST thing I would have guessed. Life isn't always planned though. No matter how good the intentions.

I have told myself  that I am going to show Gavin that I am capable of doing anything and therefore, he is too.

Growing up I had an idea of how I wanted life to be.
How I'd act in certain circumstances.
What my hair would be like. (Let's be honest, this is how I think.)--I have pictures of some serious hair-do catastrophes over my lifetime!
How I would dress. (I used to LOATHE pink...AND dresses.)
I never thought about how I would raise my son. (Or that I would even have him.)
I never thought that I'd be singing Fresh Beat Band songs 8 times a day. (And actually enjoying it.)
Or being somewhat salty after being schooled in Go Fish to a three year old.
I never knew I'd smile this much.
I never knew that a conversation with an almost-four-year-old could be quite so entertaining.
I never knew just how perfect it feels to have little arms around my neck at bedtime saying I love you.
I also, never knew how completely overwhelming some days could possibly be.

Growing up I had an idea of how I wanted life to be.
But it's nothing compared to how it is.

Dreams change.

I am always evaluating this blog and trying to figure out how to improve it and in which direction I want things to go. I'm all ears for suggestions.

I'm thinking a new name to start my new chapter...

Feeling pretty empowered lately.

Unfortunately, "I am Momma-Hear me ROAR" is already taken.
Now I'm off to eat some birthday cake.  Thanks for reading.

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