Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In case you were wondering.....

I just thought I would fill you in that I can't make up my mind on a blog layout. It really isn't that I like changing it every few days. I am in search of the perfect one. I will find it. Eventually.

Monday, February 22, 2010

StoryTime Live!!

Tonight we took Gavin to his very first show! The StoryTime Live Tour made it's way to the Stranahan in Toledo, and we were lucky enough to get some tickets! The show consisted of four mini-shows included the favorite characters from Kai-Lan, The Backyardigans, The Wonder Pets, and Dora the Explorer. Naturally, it was hosted by Moose and Zee. I had a hard time understanding Moose through quite a bit of the show, but the kids seemed to understand everything. They were yelling answers to puzzles, playing along with the characters, raising the arms, flying with Zee, and dancing in place. It was quite a sight to see. While Gavin is still a bit small, he enjoyed the show and watched intently. He was taking in everything! He even danced in his seat at the end while they all Moved to the Music.

Getting ready to go. Gavin finally wore the hat that I made him last month. It made me so happy! I think he just knew that it was the perfect occasion to sport the Rintoo cap.
I think he looks excited to be venturing out on a Monday night. What do you think?
Checking out everything and everyone in the lobby. I was glad he isn't at the age yet where he would whine and have to have the t-shirts, stuffed animals, and especially the glowing wands that ALL the kids had around him. Those items are seriously highway robbery! Fifteen bucks for a light up stick!! It was pretty cool looking though.....
We arrived at our seats about 10 minutes prior to start of show. Do you think he wanted to sit? Why of course not. He wanted to sprint down the aisles. He made several friends along the way up and down....and up and down...and up and down again.
The lights are flashing....show time! Everyone be quiet. At a kids show, are you kidding?!?! Everyone yell as loud as you can!! Jump up, scream, laugh, grin ear to ear, shove that last bit of pretzel in your mouth and get EXCITED!! (no need for the finger Gavin, thats not nice)
First up was Kai-Lan. We raised our hands and wiggled our fingers to tickle the sun to wake him up. Mr Sun rose and sent out bubbles! Sun fuzzies.
On our way to see the Monkey King.
I think the front rows got a little something extra once they arrived at the Monkey King's Palace. A couple kids down front were walked up the aisle in tears. Others were waving frantically. It's hard to say what is soooo very scary to a small child. It wasn't real smoke. They were in the clouds.
Here's our hosts. Moose A. Moose and Zee. But you can just call him Moose.
The Backyardigans had everyone singing.
During Intermission someone had a few pretzels and a glass of water. Surprisingly, he stayed seated.
It's "Puzzle Time" to find out who is coming up next. What starts with a W? Maybe if we all work as a team we can figure it out.....
You guessed correctly. The Wonder Pets were next. Ollie the bunny was there too. Ming Ming was not thrilled about this.
Dora was the final show of the evening. Do you see the castle she is trying to get to?
Everyone called for the Map to help.
Swiper, No Swiping was chanted 3 times. "Awww Maaaan", he said.
Dora made it to the castle and became Princess Dora. Dora was the hit of the night. All the kids became very excited to see this part of the show. You could just feel their energy all around.
Gavin was enthralled. Absolutely mesmerized by all the characters and activity. He was definitely taking in everything!
All the characters joined together to "Move to the Music" to end the show.
Even Gavin was dancing at the end :)
Big Yawn. This little boy was whooped while trying to get his coat on to head home.
Our first Live show was very successful! Thanks for coming to town Nickelodeon!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sometimes it's rough trying to find things to do outside of the house when it's snowy and cold outside. But I'm lucky enough to have an amazing friend that comes up with the most wonderful ideas and places to go. I need to check with her for permission to list her blog, but it's spectacular!

Today we went to Sylvania Playland! It was fun! I highly recommend anyone with wee ones to head over and check it out. I see this becoming a regular place to visit. It is cheap too. There were swingsets, forts, slides, bounce houses, big slides, toddler areas, and plenty of room to just RUN!! It took Gavin a few minutes to warm up to the place, but once he did...ohhh, watch out!! He couldn't get enough of the slides!! I was nervous, but he had NO fear! Glad he takes after mommy in that department. Cedar Point, here we come!! I was more comfortable on the blow up slides because I was scared he would fall back and hit his head. I do not want to think that my "little" boy, is not so "little" anymore. He can do the BIG boy slides on his own. He couldn't have smiled any more or any bigger the entire hour we were there. I can't wait to go again :)

My favorite picture of the day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More snow!

Attempted Fun in the Snow
Part 2


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hershey bars and milkshakes!

Every school in the area was cancelled today for the BIG snow! It may not be big compared to other areas right now. In fact, many would laugh at our 10 inches predicted by morning. But it is just perfect for us. Gavin still went to daycare for a few hours today so mommy could do some research on the computer. Today was not a day to be driving around. These first two pictures are when we first got home from daycare. Someone was not enthused to be set down in the snow....at all. His teachers brought some snow indoors today for the kids to play with and said he LOVED it. He even ate some. Big shock, I know.
We went inside to have a snack and a drink of water while we waited for daddy to get home. We also bundled up much better for round two.
Check it out little man. You ready to brave the white stuff??
Still unsure of it. Daddy carried him around for a bit. The dogs love the snow and were running and jumping and playing like crazy! They eased Gavin's nerves and got him smiling a bunch and even allowed himself to be set down for a minute. However, he wasn't willing to walk in it yet. Maybe next time. We will keep trying:)
We stood for a couple minutes and then returned inside to warm up and sing some fun snow songs!
You may know our favorite...
If all of the snowflakes were Hershey bars and milkshakes,
Oh what a snow it would be!
I would walk out side with my mouth open wide,
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhh!!"