Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sometimes it's rough trying to find things to do outside of the house when it's snowy and cold outside. But I'm lucky enough to have an amazing friend that comes up with the most wonderful ideas and places to go. I need to check with her for permission to list her blog, but it's spectacular!

Today we went to Sylvania Playland! It was fun! I highly recommend anyone with wee ones to head over and check it out. I see this becoming a regular place to visit. It is cheap too. There were swingsets, forts, slides, bounce houses, big slides, toddler areas, and plenty of room to just RUN!! It took Gavin a few minutes to warm up to the place, but once he did...ohhh, watch out!! He couldn't get enough of the slides!! I was nervous, but he had NO fear! Glad he takes after mommy in that department. Cedar Point, here we come!! I was more comfortable on the blow up slides because I was scared he would fall back and hit his head. I do not want to think that my "little" boy, is not so "little" anymore. He can do the BIG boy slides on his own. He couldn't have smiled any more or any bigger the entire hour we were there. I can't wait to go again :)

My favorite picture of the day!

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