Friday, November 30, 2012

Perrysburg Parade

Sunday we made it to the Perrysburg holiday parade. Barely.
It may be the shortest parade in the world.

(Unfortunately, we missed Downtown Toledo, Maumee's light up the night, AND BG's holiday parade this year)

I'm trying. Honestly.

Who is that??
One of our favorite spots to wander down to in the summer.
O-Deer Diner & Ice Cream
 It's a joint that is family owned and operated.

Getting more candy that he will never eat. He still hasn't touched his Halloween bag.
Here is a great illustration of the aforementioned length of parade.
Thanks, Perrysburg FD for doubling the parade time.
I believe we have a little something for you soon.

It's not even my birthday!

That's some sleigh, Mr. Kringle.
Santa Claus has arrived.

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