Monday, June 28, 2010

Heritage Days

A couple weekends ago we went to the Heritage Days in Bowling Green. I knew Gavin wouldn't be interested or understand the demonstrations....but he did understand the animals! First thing he did was run up to see the cows! Moooooo he said. I couldn't believe it! We look at pictures of animals all the time, but he rarely says anything. I guess he really is absorbing much more than he lets on!
He liked petting the baby cow calf.
Yep....that's his mommy. She wasn't interested in conversing with Gavin as you can tell.
Next he ran, no sprinted over to these sheep. There weren't any live sheep at this event, but these fake ones were just perfect for him. He repeated baaa over and over and kept jumping on them as if he was going for a ride. I have no idea where he learned this??!! 
He introduced the Baa Baa's to Pressly.
He likes to give hugs.
Not too far from the sheep were some goats. This was Gavin's second experience seeing some goats up close. He showed no fear. As usual.
Then we walked over to see some chickens and roosters. The lady was very sweet and got one of the babies out for Gavin to touch. He was very gentle. Don't ask me how he knows when to be gentle and when to be rough, but he does. I have no idea how our cat puts up with him at home. He hugs him and loves him and squeezes him all day long!
Not sure if this was momma....but she was watching closely.
After some animal time we strolled over to the kids craft area. Not sure a couple of one year olds were exactly what this station was ready for, but we successfully made a couple puppets. Gavin and Pressly helped a little. They tried.
Who gave this kid glue?!
After some crafts and passing by a few demonstrations, such as basket weaving and butter churning, we made our way to the picnic area. Of course, Gavin was too distracted by pine cones to eat much, but I was able to coax him into sitting at the table for a little bit to eat a few bites.
After eating, Justin became interested in the pine cones as well. And sticks. They collected a whole bunch of things and then laid them out by the tree there to the left.
Our little gatherers.
As usual, it's past nap time and we really need to make our way back home. But not without walking through the animals again.
Every 30 minutes or so they were doing a goat milking demonstration. Now what toddler wouldn't want to climb up on that fun contraption to play?! He had permission first. Luckily he wasn't able to maneuver the locking piece to open it up and put his head through. Maybe next year that will be a bigger concern. haha
He tried to pull it open though. He definitely knew what he was attempting to do.
As we sauntered back to the car we did mosey by the tractors. After all...they were the highlights of the event. Next year perhaps Gavin can get signed up for the kiddie tractor pull. The pedals are almost in reach!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where's the Fire??

Last week while on a walk with daddy, they took a "short-cut" through the Dollar General and amazingly enough came home with this sweet engine! It has become quite a favorite!
Checking out the trucks at Cherry Fest
The horns and sirens didn't scare him at all from the sidelines. He watched in awe of all the vehicles. I was pretty surprised myself. They day was ridiculously hot, the streets was semi-crowded and it was lunchtime. But rather than an embarrassing "please-stand-up-and-stop-screaming-so-people-stop-looking-at-us-meltdown." He was enthralled. Totally.
So what is a mother to do?? Call her buddy at the Fire Station and accept the offer to come and check out the machines up close, of course! Everyone should have a friend in the fire/police dept.
Gavin was very shy and clingy during this visit. It took him a few minutes to even let me put him down without crying. But he is heavy...I can't carry him everywhere. I need to work out. Bad. So eventually he started timidly "exploring."
We even got INSIDE the fire trucks! Gavin wanted nothing to do with going inside. Not sure if it was his mood....time of day...heat....strange place or what. Finally I got in first and heaved him in with me. He still wasn't his typical self.
So we got out and continued to check out the guys bunkers, coats, boots, hats, stuff.
I learned something new today! They fireman use a slide! Where's the pole, I asked?! Apparently the slide is much safer!
Time to go. These guys have work to do!
What's that on your shirt there kiddo?
...a sticker? What does it say?
I visited the Fire Station!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

100th Post!

Welcome to my 100th post!
I had to say it quick because someone kept stealing the welcome.
I love you Gavin!!

Happy Graduation!

Congratulations Kylie!!
Does this..or does this not represent how we all feel that amazing day when we finish school?!
Now let's party!
We traveled to the Dayton area to celebrate the big day with Ky! There is SOOOOO much to do at their house. Not to mention it is a great time seeing all the family together. We don't get to see everyone often enough. I think we need to figure out a way to change that :) Once again there is no order to these pictures as I'm getting slightly frustrated trying to upload them. Blogger changed the format and I just haven't found time to sit and figure it out. Well, honestly I should admit that my patience is limited to other areas currently. ;)

Nothing like a family ride around the pond....over and over and over. Guess who LOVES riding on things?
Me? But of course! Wouldn't you?!   hee hee

It wouldn't be a party without dancing!
Or danger....
There should always be fishing. It's relaxing. I, myself, have not caught the excitement yet..get it..caught. No? Ok, moving on. I do like watching from the grassy area the peacefulness..the hook, the reeling in...but don't think for a single second I'm going to touch that thing.
There were lots of games to play as well.
*side note...see that awesome yellow slide in the background? That will be in our backyard soon. Now that she has graduated, Kylie has been able to part with it and the family has so generously offered it to Gavin. Just kidding Ky. We can't wait to extend our backyard playground!*
Kristie and Kylie checking out a new friend that Danny chased down.
Here is my brother is and his awesome girlfriend Gabriella!
Another ride....well, why the heck not. It's a party!
More games.....
and more rides...
Did I mention that it was like a hundred degrees on this particular day? Some riders were just racing to cool off :)
Learning to drive. Fun! *shudder*
I have also learned that to have a good party, you need good music. And to have good music you need to go to the experts. The teens. They know what's good. They did an excellent job!
Anyone hungry? This food was, how do I say this...Incredible!

Ok, back to the danger. Gavin saw the ducks quack quacks in the pond and was given bread to throw to them. Fearless child he is went running in. I have no doubt that he would have ran straight into the water had I not stopped him. The danger being it's a pond and has an almost immediate drop off.
Oh happy day Kylie!
What's scarier than a toddler running into a very deep pond?
Why, launching potatoes with hairspray, of course.
As crazy as it sounds...this is very cool. I hadn't seen one in several years. Suh-weet is the only word I have to describe it.
Today was a good day. No, it was outstanding! Fun was had by ALL!