Sunday, June 27, 2010

Where's the Fire??

Last week while on a walk with daddy, they took a "short-cut" through the Dollar General and amazingly enough came home with this sweet engine! It has become quite a favorite!
Checking out the trucks at Cherry Fest
The horns and sirens didn't scare him at all from the sidelines. He watched in awe of all the vehicles. I was pretty surprised myself. They day was ridiculously hot, the streets was semi-crowded and it was lunchtime. But rather than an embarrassing "please-stand-up-and-stop-screaming-so-people-stop-looking-at-us-meltdown." He was enthralled. Totally.
So what is a mother to do?? Call her buddy at the Fire Station and accept the offer to come and check out the machines up close, of course! Everyone should have a friend in the fire/police dept.
Gavin was very shy and clingy during this visit. It took him a few minutes to even let me put him down without crying. But he is heavy...I can't carry him everywhere. I need to work out. Bad. So eventually he started timidly "exploring."
We even got INSIDE the fire trucks! Gavin wanted nothing to do with going inside. Not sure if it was his mood....time of day...heat....strange place or what. Finally I got in first and heaved him in with me. He still wasn't his typical self.
So we got out and continued to check out the guys bunkers, coats, boots, hats, stuff.
I learned something new today! They fireman use a slide! Where's the pole, I asked?! Apparently the slide is much safer!
Time to go. These guys have work to do!
What's that on your shirt there kiddo?
...a sticker? What does it say?
I visited the Fire Station!

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