Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Graduation!

Congratulations Kylie!!
Does this..or does this not represent how we all feel that amazing day when we finish school?!
Now let's party!
We traveled to the Dayton area to celebrate the big day with Ky! There is SOOOOO much to do at their house. Not to mention it is a great time seeing all the family together. We don't get to see everyone often enough. I think we need to figure out a way to change that :) Once again there is no order to these pictures as I'm getting slightly frustrated trying to upload them. Blogger changed the format and I just haven't found time to sit and figure it out. Well, honestly I should admit that my patience is limited to other areas currently. ;)

Nothing like a family ride around the pond....over and over and over. Guess who LOVES riding on things?
Me? But of course! Wouldn't you?!   hee hee

It wouldn't be a party without dancing!
Or danger....
There should always be fishing. It's relaxing. I, myself, have not caught the excitement yet..get it..caught. No? Ok, moving on. I do like watching from the grassy area the peacefulness..the hook, the reeling in...but don't think for a single second I'm going to touch that thing.
There were lots of games to play as well.
*side note...see that awesome yellow slide in the background? That will be in our backyard soon. Now that she has graduated, Kylie has been able to part with it and the family has so generously offered it to Gavin. Just kidding Ky. We can't wait to extend our backyard playground!*
Kristie and Kylie checking out a new friend that Danny chased down.
Here is my brother is and his awesome girlfriend Gabriella!
Another ride....well, why the heck not. It's a party!
More games.....
and more rides...
Did I mention that it was like a hundred degrees on this particular day? Some riders were just racing to cool off :)
Learning to drive. Fun! *shudder*
I have also learned that to have a good party, you need good music. And to have good music you need to go to the experts. The teens. They know what's good. They did an excellent job!
Anyone hungry? This food was, how do I say this...Incredible!

Ok, back to the danger. Gavin saw the ducks quack quacks in the pond and was given bread to throw to them. Fearless child he is went running in. I have no doubt that he would have ran straight into the water had I not stopped him. The danger being it's a pond and has an almost immediate drop off.
Oh happy day Kylie!
What's scarier than a toddler running into a very deep pond?
Why, launching potatoes with hairspray, of course.
As crazy as it sounds...this is very cool. I hadn't seen one in several years. Suh-weet is the only word I have to describe it.
Today was a good day. No, it was outstanding! Fun was had by ALL!

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