Monday, June 7, 2010

Another day at the zoo

I'm getting really behind on posting pictures and telling stories. Hopefully over the next week or two there will be several new posts! I feel like it takes sooo long to upload photos anymore....there has to be an easier/faster way. I'm working on it!

These pictures are from a couple Sundays ago when I met my girlfriend Sarah at the zoo with her two darlings. Gavin and Chase are about 5 months apart in age and it was fun to finally get them together! Here they are playing in the water in Nature's Neighborhood.
Just chillin'
There is a baby giraffe now and I can't get a picture of it! We will just have to keep going back and riding the train to get it.....shucks ;)
A vulture.
They boys loved the train ride. This was Gavin's first time on the train!
Check out that Ostrich!
You see how excited they are to see my camera out?!
My beautiful friend Sarah and her sweet Brynn :)
Thanks for coming with us! We look forward to meeting again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, we were planning on going this week..stupid rain may change that. It is cool how the zoo changes for our family each year. Now Baylor is big enough to get exciten and Addison might just need a harness to keep her in our sights:) She LOVES the zoo!
