Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A lazy Sunday cookout

This past Sunday was my birthday! Yippee skippy, I'm a year older. To celebrate another year lived, I wanted nothing more than to do...well, absolutely NOTHING! So my wonderful husband who luckily was home this weekend, allowed me to sleep in til 10!! He took charge of getting Gavin up, dressed, fed and entertained all morning:) Nice. We then headed over to his brother's house for an afternoon cookout. I, relaxed on the porch, while the boys all played in the yard and burned up some energy.

Here are some pictures of the afternoon in absolutely no order or fashion. Just some shots I took from my chair. I LOVED it. It's been 3 weeks since I think I sat and didn't worry about a thing.

Doesn't it look like a football should be inserted into his arm here?

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