Thursday, August 19, 2010

Monkey Bread

It's been a busy couple weeks around our house. Mostly due to adjusting to new schedules and routines, but we are finally "getting the hang of it." I became a "fan" of and periodically get updates and ideas sent to me from the site. The other day I actually clicked and read the page and was enticed to try to make this recipe at home with Gavin. Only 3 ingredients and very simple to make. I had never thought to try   Monkey style!
Gavin was a helpful with rolling out the dough.
He was so focused at doing a good job. I love that he is becoming so independent and wanting to help out in 
so many ways....usually;)
The next step was for mommy. Cut the dough up into small pieces. I just ran a pizza slicer through it quick. Next we are going to dip each piece individually into a bowl of spaghetti sauce
 and lay it into the pan.
Gavin did well at this step. Some pieces had more sauce than others and some didn't have any at all. There was an extra ingredient on a few pieces...straight from Gavin's mouth. Disgusting I know, but he likes to dip things, and on a few pieces, he attempted to eat them...or at least taste the sauce. I know...gross. But we 
weren't serving to anyone but ourselves, so who cares?! I don't mind.
Occasionally a few pieces went straight into the center of the pan. I suppose it looked like a good place to slide a few piece. Kids, I tell ya:) I simply threw them on top at the end. I don't discourage my "help" in any 
way. It's so fun to see what he will do next.
After half the dough was dipped and put in the pan I sprinkled mozzarella cheese over it. Next we would put the next round of dough on top, dipped of course, to end the concoction 
with a nice saucy cover.
Patience is a virtue we haven't quite mastered yet.
So to pass the cooking time, we played in the sink. His choice, not mine. As moms, we pick our battles. If a few towels need to be thrown on the floor to have a good time...I can think of worse things. So in the sink we played.
He figured out he can now bend over far enough to stick his head under the faucet. Super. Believe it or not, we didn't make as big a mess as some other times. I've had a soaked boy from dripping head to sloshing shoes...and several beach towels on the floor before, but today was relatively easy. Only took a dish towel to the floor to wipe up a little water. (I think my dogs have left more water on the floor after coming in on a hot 
day and drinking from their dish)
His shirt didn't even need rung out as the timer went off on the oven. That really is super.
Pizza Monkey Bread....made with love by Gavin and mommy.

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