Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quarry fun!

Gavin and Pressly LOVED running in and out of the tent as they were being set up. Unfortunately, we weren't able to set ours up and camp this time around. I had to work later this evening. But we made the most of the afternoon and returned in the morning for some more fun.

The Sand Box Pool.

No, Gavin is NOT playing on the steps here. We were walking back up as I took him down to watch daddy fishing. I let him get a few steps ahead for a picture. Otherwise, Gavin knows not to go near the rock steps/ledge.

Hey guys!! I found some perfect sticks....where's the marshmallows?

Let's find Pressly a stick too.

Good job buddy!

Such big helpers.

They love each other:)

Say cheese everybody!!

Now everybody point to the stars.....

Ok, everyone but you Pressly, you just smile and look cute. Thanks for having us over as always! But now it's time to head home.

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