Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July pancakes

Good Morning, Independence Day!
We decided pancakes would be the best breakfast ever after sleeping in until 8:30!

"I do measuring, Mommy."
"Roger that, buddy."
 First we measure in some Hungry Jack mix. Even though we slept in and have absolutely nothing to do today but relax, I didn't make any fancy pancakes. They came straight from the box.
 Adding water is the part Gavin likes best. 
Gotta watch this one, or Jack would drown.
We count 1, 2, 3... (I give him a smaller measuring cup so that he can dump in more water.)
 He's become quite a master stirrer in our recent cooking.
 It wouldn't be a holiday if I didn't add at least something to our breakfast.
 Not exciting, but today we aren't going for crazy.
We are going for nice and calm :)
 Happy 4th of July!
 We are ready to relax, play outside, cook-out and enjoy the day!

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