Monday, July 11, 2011

First trip to the theater

In honor of Daddy's birthday a few weeks ago, Grandma, Gavin and I went to see Cars 2 that just hit theaters. Unfortunately, Daddy was a few states away.
Grandma splurged and purchased the kiddie snack pack Cars edition for G. Popcorn, fruit snacks and a drink all in a cute little container for him. The drink came with a cheap plastic toy on top. It was perfect. And he received Mater! How did they know that Mater was his favorite!
Happy boy.
 Did you know there were booster seats available at the theater for toddlers? I noticed a family come in with one, and thought, why that is a great idea. Then I noticed several more people coming in with them. Wait a second...these are all the same. They must be offered somewhere. So I ran back up front to find there were three left. Whew!! Now I know.

There is no way that Gavin was going to sit in the seat for a few minutes, let alone the length of the movie, without it. He might be a big guy, but the seat wanted to swallow him up. The booster seats even have a smaller built in cup holder on one side and an opening on the other side that was perfect for his new Mater toy.

 I chose the row right behind this railing. I knew, even with the booster, he would have to stand up occasionally. This way he could stand up and not be a disturbance to other movie goers.

 The toy was a great distraction for when he became antsy as well.
 Overall, a very successful first trip to the movies!

Thoughts on the sequel: 
      Cars 2, we're not in Radiator Springs anymore. I loved the simplicity of the original film. The first movie had tranquility and a "down home" feel to it that was very reassuring and cozy. It was also very wholesome and calm, not allowing ridiculous action or harshness to the mix. In other words, everything that was good about the first Cars was left out of the second.

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