Saturday, July 2, 2011

Baby, you're a firework

Because it sounds better than "Kid, you're a big sparkly mess."

Remember that glitter I didn't use around Valentine's Day? I thought today would be perfect. Glitter screams fireworks, right?! You know what doesn't scream glitter? Wind.

I was brilliant enough to take the artsy table outside for the project. Just not brilliant enough to lick my finger and stick it in the air to see the wind direction. Otherwise, maybe the other side of the house would have been easier.  But probably not. It's a windy day here. I do admit, it was humorous to watch Gavin chase construction paper around the yard each time they blew away. I was nice though and finally ran in for some tape.

Let's get glittering!
 Mommy handled the glue.
 Always such focus with our crafts.
 I think we need more yellow....
 Yep, that's MUCH better.
 Glitter is everywhere!
If the sun comes out soon, we may need sunglasses to look at our grass.
So much for shaking the excess off into a baggie for another use....whoops. 
Our yard is looking festive!
"Mommy, my hands!!"
 Gavin's fireworks
 You didn't think I let Gavin have all the fun now, did you :)

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