Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Letter R

R is for Rocket.
Red Rocket to be specific.

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship!
(You're welcome, Little Einstein fans)
 We also colored a rainbow for R.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Letter Q

Q is for Mommy!!

Hehe. No really, Q is for Queen.
(which IS Mommy)

But not according to Gavin.

Gavin: "You not a queen Mommy, you are a girl."
Me: "So what are queens?"
Gavin: "Queens are fairies".


Friday, April 20, 2012

For the birds

But first, check out who our actual first customer turned out to be.
Not who we intended to be feeding, but everyone has to eat, right?

We started this project the other day.
Actually, we made two bird feeders.

The first one was super simple.
Gavin found this GIANT pinecone. I mean, it's humongous!!

I gave him a knife and an almost empty jar of peanut butter and he went to town.

Sticky peanut butter hands and rolling around birdseed created a bigger mess than I anticipated.

But it turned out fantastic!
Our next bird feeder I discovered on Pinterest.
Still very simple, but a few more ingredients than just peanut butter and birdseed.

4 cups of wild bird seed
1/2 cup of warm water
1 envelope of Knox gelatin
3/4 cup of flour
bundt pan
nonstick spray
3 tbl light corn syrup
wooden spoon

First we took a big bowl and whisked together the water and gelatin.
Next, the flour was added along with the corn syrup.
Stir it good!
Then, pour in the birdseed and stir to coat.
(Notice I pre-measured everything so all Gavin did was pour things in.)
After it's coated completely, spoon it into a bundt pan and press down.
Wet hands were best to get it nice and pressed.
Only needed to leave it overnight, but we left it two days....because that was when Uncle Ronny was able to come over and hang it up for us!

Didn't it turn out great!!
Don't worry, Uncle Ron, I'll hold you steady.
We aren't superstitious people, who avoid playing under ladders, either.
(In fact, on Friday the 13th, I received the news I was promoted to full time at work!!)

OK...I'll let you play on the ladder for a minute.
Such a big boy :)
They turned out better than I had hoped!
Now get down before you fall and hurt yourself :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

One of THOSE days

Every have one of those awful, emotional, overwhelming kinda days?
I do.

Here's what I’ve always wanted someone to say to me when I do have "one of those days": “Wow. That sucked. That sucked hard. But you survived, huh? Awesome. Did you have a breakdown? Yeah? Well, then it was a very well-deserved break-down. No breakdown? Wow!! Way to hold it together. You did great. It was hard, and it sucked, but I totally understand why you did things the way you did them. You’re the best. Thanks for taking such good care of things, and going to work, and just getting life done. It’s really hard sometimes, but you are doing a really terrific job.”

And flowers.

What girl doesn't like flowers occasionally.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Letter P

P is for Penguin

I'll do it myself!

I'm just glad he is wearing pants. 
Whichever way he may pull them up ;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Egg Drop

This year we went somewhere new!
The Church on Strayer.
The event was the annual egg drop.
Drop? Drop from where?
First things first. We signed in and attached his wrist band. The band holds his name and my phone number.
Good idea....there were A LOT of people.

Look at all those eggs!!
The helicopter drops a bunch more, but the eggs are for the most part all spread out in fenced areas.
Not a secure fence by any means.
Little stinker was able to reach one.
He is ready for the egg hunt!
That turns out didn't start for over an hour after we arrived.
The website said 5:00. We got there at 4:30. Reality it didn't begin until 5:45.

OH, the disappointment!
Just kidding!
We found room to RUN!
Stone walls to scale.
 I couldn't believe it at first. He made it.

Don't you dare jump!
Want to climb it again?

Want to try a bigger wall? hehehe
Grandma and Grandpa joined us.
One to take pictures and TWO people to keep eyes on him.
It's almost time!!
He is ready.
We hear it coming....
The helicopter circles both fields before returning to the younger section. The younger sections was for 5 and under. This is where we stayed. The other area was for the big kids and parents weren't not permitted to enter. I would have lost him for sure in that mess!

Everyone was waving and cheering.

Each child was permitted to pick up 10 eggs. 
Want to guess how that was monitored??
It wasn't.
I believe Gavin left with 17. I did witness some of the volunteers stopping kids with overflowing bags and asking them to put some back (I saw kids with 40+ eggs easily in their "luggage" they brought.)

All those eggs were gone in minutes.
It looks a bit crowded, but it really wasn't bad at all.

After all, It's Easter. Everyone was pleasant and having a good time :)
I look forward to going again next year!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

The excitement in line to see the Easter Bunny is intense.
The emotion once we are next ...fear.

Happy Easter

Easter Morning

As always, Gavin had a super Easter morning filled with an Easter basket of goodies, an egg hunt and discovering what happens to magic jelly beans in the yard.
"MOMMY!!! Loooooook!"
An 8 set of books
A butterfly garden....I look forward to getting the caterpillars and doing this with him.
Searching for all 8 eggs we colored yesterday.
 He found them all. Only the last two took a little coaching.
Playing with his new sandwich felt set.
"Silly me! They aren't real."
(a new saying of his recently is "silly me" whenever he does something...odd)
 And those magic jelly beans grew into a magic lollipop that was just perfect for breakfast.
Perfect because we are going to see family in a bit and I won't be alone to handle him coming down off the sugar :)
 Happy Easter!