Saturday, April 7, 2012


I must start off by saying both of these methods were discovered on Pinterest.
Amazing stuff.

It's Easter week and it wouldn't be right to not color some eggs now, would it?
I certainly had the experience every year growing up.

But when is there time to stand in the kitchen to hard boil eggs? I don't have many minutes to myself. I'm either at work, running errands or playing with Gavin. He's not a fan of me cooking, getting on the computer, or even using my phone. So when I saw that you can bake hard boiled eggs, I was intrigued.

It's simple. Three hundred fifty degrees for thirty minutes. 
I balanced them on a mini muffin tin. I'm a genius.
I then walked away and got the laundry started, cat litter changed, and living room vacuumed before the timer went off.
Can't beat that.

Take them out and toss then in ice water for ten minutes.
Afterwards they sat in my fridge for two days before having time to color them.

Which is the second kool idea.
Using kool-aid to dye eggs!
You can get 5 packets for a dollar. No need for vinegar since the kool-aid already has citric acid in it AND it makes your kitchen smell fruity :)
We had 8 eggs, so I let him pick 4 colors.
Each mug held a kool-aid packet and 2/3 cup water.
But very carefully. If one of them spilled....Ay-yi-yi!
The color takes fast to the eggs. We only left them in a couple minutes.
Eight colorful Easter eggs!
(minus the streaks from laying on paper towels)
Next year I'll remember to save some toilet paper tubes or something to cut up and balance them upright.

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