Monday, September 17, 2012

From Mom

Dear G,

I've been thinking a lot lately. A lot about you. How you are handling all these changes in your innocent life. It can't be easy and you are far too young to express your feelings appropriately. Please know that your Dad and I love you with all of our hearts and we will always do what is best for you. These changes are going to take time. There is going to be many adjustments. We will get there. We are ALL going to be okay. We ALL are going to be happy.

I've been contemplating this blog the last many months. How I write things...what I should write...what I shouldn't much to share....

Truth is, this blog is my legacy to YOU. If I should suddenly die (God forbid), I want you to know exactly what I was thinking and feeling watching you grow up. I want you to know all the things we did together. What we made together. The places we went. I'm not a scrapbooker, believe it or not, I don't have the patience for it. So this is my outlet for expression. Someday you'll read it by years, as I've printed them into books to be treasured always. (I promise I won't embarrass you. At least the very minimal--I'm trying, cut a mom a break)

I have this dream in my heart that one day you will say. . . thank you for the time you took to document our story.

I love you, Gavin.
We are going to be just fine.You'll see :)
Please come to me always. I will be here always.


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