Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful

I couldn't make this up if I tried.
Chance has Hay Fever.
You read that right. I now have TWO dogs with allergies. Oy vey.
I'd call baloney, but I don't sleep at night with all the licking and gnawing of BOTH dogs in the room.
So we went to the vet today. 
Crazily enough, I was granted sick time from work to go...I mean, he is family and all.
Got my workout for the day, as well.
This can't be normal.
Is this my kitchen or an old age home?
It's really a crap shoot, I guess.
But they are my dogs, and Gavin really likes them.

I might need stock in peanut butter and bread though.
 I got this.

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