Friday, January 22, 2010

Hat fun!

So remember how I mentioned I was going to get out of debt and cut costs?? Well, I had no idea how many costs I was going to need to cut. But that is another blog. However this blog is all about HATS! I mentioned before how my son has this crazy attachment to hats, so I saw an activity to make our own. Real cheap! I'm talking barely over a dollar a hat! Mind you I made these over a week ago, but I lost my computer for over a week so I couldn't share my latest craft until now. All you need for these hats is some cut fleece (available at any craft store), cut pieces of felt and some fabric glue.

The first thing we had to do was measure Gavin's head.

Next, I cut up some pieces of felt.

So, my first hat ended up a wee bit tight. I'll cut the next one a tad bit bigger.

Now this one fits much better!

Here are the first four hats that I was able to complete. I have enough material to make 3 more! All for under ten dollars! I could have made four more, but I messed up the cutting and had extra pieces that weren't big enough to do anything. However, I never let things go to waste, they just won't be used for anymore hats. I think he has enough anyway :)

Here are a few pictures of his other hats.

Now this is by far his favorite attachment. I don't know what is so special about this particular hat, but it goes everywhere with him. He doesn't let it out of his sight if he does put it down. After a nap on this particular afternoon, he was experiencing nothing less than a meltdown if I took it from him. I explained to him that he can not eat his snack holding onto it. Usually he will put it down when it's time to get into his seat, but not today. So I finally just put it on his head. He seemed to be ok with that. This will be a work in progress...

Can you see that hat in his hand?? Always with him.

Sitting by his basket of hats.

Wearing Uncle Ron's hat was fun too...for a minute.

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