Sunday, January 31, 2010

Apples Apples Apples!

When is it in a woman's life, that she learns to peel an apple with one continuous cut?? In my little fantasy world, I believed that it magically occurred when you became a mother. I was wrong. Completely wrong. I've practiced and practiced. I don't have the apple magic. I do have a fabulous apple cutter that cuts out the core and slices the apple into pieces! I'll keep practicing though. It is most certainly a talent and an art that I must master!

I did come across this little gadget online when looking for a picture, but unless you peel apples for a living or bake apple pies daily, why would you spend money on such a thing? Let alone add it to the million kitchen 'gadgets' that you just have to have that now collect dust in the closet. I sure don't need anything else to wash on a daily basis.

Congratulations to this fine creative person for developing the fear of apples in toddlers everywhere. Way to go.

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