Monday, January 4, 2010

What is it about HATS?

Growing up is tough. Whether you're 1, 10, 35, 0r 50, we are all still growing and can appreciate something of comfort. Comfort is found in many ways; affection from a spouse or pet, home, hobbies, pictures, letters, snuggly blankets, and in my son's case....hats.

I don't know what is so special about these hats but he finds comfort with them. They can calm him down anytime and anywhere (usually). He actually looks for them. You might think that it is the material, but you would be wrong. He likes his ball hats, knit hats, fleece hats, etc, all the same. It doesn't matter. Perhaps it's because he knows they are his?? At this time, I don't question it very much. It used to be his silky blankets, but they have become only needed at bed/nap time. I've heard stories of different comforting items young toddlers become obsessed with, so I won't complain about the hats. :)

This is also my first time playing with trimming and linking videos together with my new flip. I just picked a song from the flip software at random. Not loving the mambo jive in the background, but I'm not showcasing this little flick either.

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