Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!

I'm not sure if this is an exciting or terrifying post. These animals are only 7 miles down the street from us. I know, because I trip ticked it. It's a home in Stony Ridge that has Exotic Animals as their yard!! This is also only a couple hundred yards from the quarry that we visit often. In fact, we camp at this Quarry and hear the Lions roar in the evening. Hmmmm, think the tents are safe? Are those fences secure? How fast can I run again??!!!

There are 3 lions.

8 Tigers

3 Bears...that I saw. They sure LOVE apples. I watched this man stick his arm in this bears mouth! Kinda like when you are playing with your dog. He jokingly says, "You have to know your bear to do this." Well, no kidding!!There are always a couple of wolves. I think my dogs look bigger than them, but I didn't dare get too close to this fence!

Who couldn't want to pet a baby white tiger?? This girl. The man (from the bear picture) had just gotten scraped by him during some "play time" and was bleeding. He said it didn't hurt and had some horrific stories about past times with several different animals. Wow! I'm not convinced this man is amazing...or out of his ever-loving mind!!

I must say, if the family dog says you're cool, then you must be okay! (notice the big hunkin piece of raw meat laying there) Gross!! But then again, what do you think this man slaughters daily to feed his "pets." I shudder at the thought. But I was very intrigued to be able to visit and meet the man of the property and hear his stories. He even gave Gavin a stuffed bear. How nice...right? Crazy is the only word that comes to mind. And the fact this is located on a busy road baffles me. How many people drive by here having NO IDEA they are mere feet from such unordinary backyard animals?

PS. This post MIGHT be a Halloween hint.

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