Saturday, December 18, 2010

Give presence with your presents

When thinking about what to get the kids, yours or those of others, keep something in mind. Kids don't remember who got them a particular toy, they remember the people who play with them.

This year I needed to remind myself of this. It's been a tough year. Fortunately, we are tough people. I enjoy buying gifts for people. I love finding the perfect one for everyone. I go overboard. Every year. But not this year. This year is simple to the extreme. And I'm alright with took me a minute, but I'm alright with it. I've learned my time is the best gift I can give.

So, when you give a kid a toy, get on the floor and help them open the box, set it up, and play with it. That's how you'll show your love. That's how a relationship will blossom. When you see the child next time, he or she will remember you as the one who made the funny voice with the doll, made the cars vroom, and the trains chug, but might not remember it was you who gave the present.

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