Saturday, December 18, 2010

The salt and pepper dilemma

Today I tackled the spice rack. It was looking mighty cluttered. You wouldn't believe how heavy my garbage can was when I finished. I had duplicates and triplicates of some things, some didn't even have the plastic seal broken, and some that were expired. And when I say expired, I don't just mean a few months or year.. I'm talking 3-6 years expired. I swear, I DO cook dinner in this home. Really, I do.

Now on to my dilemma. I found FOUR opened shakers of pepper along with a giant size container of Morton Iodized Salt, you know, the one with the girl holding the umbrella.  
Not exactly the easiest thing to grab when you need a dash of salt for your fries now, is it? And pepper, apparently we like it and leave it everywhere. I mean, really, four opened shakers? I think it's time to use another wedding gift that has collected dust in the kitchen. I've always had them sitting out, yet I've never filled
Nice, aren't they! I really like them. So what is my dilemma?? 

I googled it.

I found no right answer.

So if you come over, the salt has 3 holes and the pepper has 5. That's my choice and I'm sticking to it.

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