Friday, May 6, 2011

Unexpected sunshine

The sky was still slightly gray, but the sun was peeping through some rays after days upon days of rain. We have been anxious to get outside! So that is just what we did. We went out to the quarry to run around like crazy, dig in the dirt, and get a little crafty.

I thought it would be fun to try and capture some of this sunlight. I saw a few different versions of sun catcher projects, and using what I had on hand at home, came up with this version. (buying tissue paper, foam board, wiggly eyes, pipe cleaners and the like, in bulk, really is a good idea)

For our version, we needed clear contact paper, foam sheets and tissue paper. That's all folks. And it's super simple! I secured a piece of contact paper to the table and gave each kiddo a bowl of cut up tissue paper and let them stick away.
They loved it!
And between breaks to run around more, dig in more dirt, blow bubbles and eat pretzels, we had an almost completely covered sheet. The mommies sprinkled a few pieces around to finish up. (I also placed another piece of contact paper on top to seal it)
The next day I finished up the project at our house by folding a piece of foam board in half and cutting out a butterfly. The butterfly was my choice. I thought they would look pretty in the window. But I have seen all sorts of shapes and designs--some with just tissue paper stretched across poster board, some with eyes, some with sequins and stones on contact paper. This craft could be completed in so many different ways. It will be fun each year to advance the project a little bit with age.
A little help from some scissors and a glue stick and I have a very pretty window, don't ya think?
Look at that sun shine through :)
 Welcome Spring! 
We knew you'd make it!

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