Sunday, May 8, 2011


Did you know that "Wonderful-ness" was a word? It is. I've decided. Do you know what it means, or what it means to me anyway? It's the way I feel inside when Gavin says "Mom, you're wonderful." It's great. It's a new thing he started doing a few days ago and it still catches me off guard when he says it. It actually all began with me as a toddler. After singing the ABC's, instead of singing, "Next time won't you sing with me?" I, for some reason I don't recall, always sang, "Tell me what you think of me." And my parents would always answer with, "I think you're wonderful!" And I felt wonderful. So this is how the song ends in our house now too. "Now I know my ABC's, tell me what you think of me." And I say "Gavin, I think you're wonderful!" while tickling his tummy or doing something else to get him smiling. I sure hope he feels wonderful, because I sure do when he says it to me. Just like I did when I was little. Really wonderful.

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