Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Momma never said there'd be days like this

If Eric Carle was a disgruntled mother...

 Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?
I see some chewed up food where it shouldn’t be. 

Red bird, red bird what do you see?
I see laundry multiplying before me.

Yellow duck, yellow duck what do you see?
I see fingerprints staring back at me.

Blue horse, blue horse what do you see?
I see tufts of dog hair floating in the breeze.

Green frog, green frog what do you see?
I see dirty dishes calling out to me.

Purple cat, purple cat what do you see?
I see crumbs on the floor beckoning to me.

White dog, white dog what do you see?
I see a potty that’s waiting for some pee.

Black sheep, black sheep what do you see?
I see too much Fresh Beat Band and Bubble Guppies.

Goldfish, goldfish what do you see?
I see a bathtub filled with bubbles and boo-boos on the knees.

Teacher, teacher what do you see?
I see scattered letters that should be in a tree.

Children, children what do you see?
I see a margarita on the rocks, and it’s not for me!

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