Sunday, May 27, 2012

First swim of the summer

There's nothing quite like the first swim of the season. The weather is finally hot enough to warrant filling up the pools, icy they might still be, but if you're under the age of 5, it doesn't matter. You're young, you don't know it's frigid, you just know that you're splashing around having the time of your life!
We love going out to the Quarry.
The wading pool is perfect for the kids. And pretty perfect for me as well, as I only waded around in it without submerging. It was cold.
I wish we could have gotten out there earlier to soak up some more sun and enjoyed a cold beer in my hand, but otherwise, this was a perfect start to our long weekend.
Swimming, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and grilling.

I look forward to heading back on Sunday!!
It's going to be 97 degrees!!
I do, cherish you, mother nature, for not going up one more degree.

"Mommy, look how high my bubbles are going! They are flying high to the sky!!"
"Uh, Pressly...we are drawing dinosaurs. THAT is just a line."
We didn't get home and to bed until nearly 10 o'clock.
You would have thought the little man would have slept in for me.
But NO. He was raring to go at 6am the next day. I simply don't understand. It doesn't make any sense. During the week I have to drag him from bed at 7:00 to get to daycare and work on time.
Sunday is going to wear him out. It must, I tell you :)

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