Sunday, May 20, 2012

Relay for Life

Somehow, someway, I never got the invitation for the survivor walk and dinner this year.
It could be it got lost in the mail, never was mailed, or perhaps I tossed it with some junk mail and didn't take notice to it. I hate to think I could have done such a thing as I've been going to this event for years, but it's possible. That being said, I didn't join a team, I didn't raise any money, and I didn't get a t-shirt this year.

But I still went and walked.
With my girlfriend Jodi, and her daughter.

I also didn't take but a couple pictures. 
We used the time to walk 5-6 laps and catch up. 
Much needed. 
Thank you for joining us, Jodi and Kenna. It was good to walk and talk.

We arrived just in time for the opening ceremony. Survivor lap is at 6. We wheeled in at 5:55. Little did I forget that the opening ceremony was 20-30 minutes before first lap. The stories are great, but with two little ones, it's a really LONG time.

Luckily, Kenna's mom came with distractions. 
A farm book....perfection!
 Patience, sweet Gavin. Patience.
I know you're ready to walk.
  Almost time...
They ask survivors to *somewhat* line up according to years clear...I've made it to the 15 or less spot!
 This was soooo cute! 
I wish so much I could have gotten my camera out and on faster to get them walking side by side...hand in hand.
 Gavin was the first to be told that we do not touch the luminaries on the side of the track, so of course, once Kenna was intrigued by them, he was helpful to lead her back to walking the track.
 On another note, I told Gavin we were going to the track when I picked him up from daycare. I had no idea that in his mind he thought it meant a "race car" track. He asked several times where the cars were....poor guy.
He now knows there are running tracks AND race car tracks.
He did MUCH running this particular evening. It was great!

**Addendum: I received my invitation in the mail the Wednesday following the event.
It was only a *little* late.

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