Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Long, hot, and full of fun!

He insisted on getting up on his "horse" on our way out the door for a picture.
(Turns out I had this camera on an off setting from the get-go this weekend)
I can't wait to find some time to learn how to use is correctly.
We were on our way out the door Sunday to go to the quarry for a picnic and swimming.
What a hot day for some fun in the sun.
It was also a hot day to be giving kids blue cupcakes.
As I've said time and time again, 'm a BIG fan of blue sweets...
Kids sure love them though :)
Quarry buddies!
(All former Frickers employees)
We were convinced to stay and camp this weekend.
The tent construction crew.
After collapsing the tent several times....the kids went to play some tetherball.
Then back up to the house for some more grilling and watermelon.
I can't even begin to describe how filthy this kid is. Hot, sweaty, sticky, icky, dirty mess.
Oh, what fun it is to spend the day at the quarry!
When I ran home to let the dogs out and get some things to stay overnight, I brought back a little something for the kids to make.
It is a holiday weekend, after all. 
And we definitely wanted to honor all those that are serving and have served.
The craft didn't go quite as planned. Then again, this entire night wasn't planned.
But sometimes, they make for the best memories.
Looking forward to taking it home and hanging it up in the front yard.
These kids are EXHAUSTED!
Of course, they had no intention of going to sleep easily, but they were whooped.
The mommy's sat outside the tent and talked for a couple hours while the kids fell asleep watching Peter Pan on the laptop.
The next day we all went to Big Boy for lunch.
Again, not a chance I was going to get a picture of them all looking. But they did all behave superbly at the restaurant.
After lunch, everyone came back to our house to play!
I came across this neat idea the other day and was eager to try it out.
It was another 95+ degree day.
It's a giant piece of plastic I picked up in the paint aisle at Home Depot.
I folded it in half and duct taped the sides.
(leaving a small opening to fit a hose into--that would be taped shut once filled)
This took much longer to fill then I had anticipated.
The kids couldn't stay off of it. 
They were running, flipping, somersaulting and sliding.
Imagine what fun it will be once it is FULL!
Unfortunately, they were ready for naps before it filled.
The girls had to head home.

But after nap, Gavin and I were back outside.
Even Bear enjoyed a few flips, who lately has been referred to as Teddy :)
We invited the neighbors down to check it out.
And added a sprinkler!
Outdoor water bed? Homemade slip & slide?
Call it whatever you want.
The silly string shooters were also brought out.
Hope everyone had a Happy Memorial Day!
We sure did.

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