Tuesday, May 15, 2012

High Maintenance

Another emergency vet visit today. I tried to get in Saturday, but they were booked.
Thursday night, Sammy was fine.
Friday, when I got home, he had gnawed off the outer side of his front paw.
It's continued to get worse. Neither of us sleep, because of the gnawing and licking.
My poor, poor dog is miserable.

 Pretty gross, isn't it?
It's puffing out of his paw now. Swollen and nasty.

I was just to the vet with Sammy less than a month ago. He has severe allergies.
Did you know that 1/3 of all dogs have allergies?
They do.
They gave him a shot. I have the pills, ear solution, and medicated shampoo for his paws.

I've kept up with everything as best that I can.
Obviously, last couple days, I haven't touched his paws.

So I went back to the vet. Just shy of a month later.
And now I have THREE meds to give him on top of the ear solution and Medicated paw shampoo!
 He's on Fluoxetine (Prozac) Yes, Prozac! Hoping to calm him down and ease him from gnawing and licking his paw. Fluconazole for his ears and Prednisone for his allergies.

Can you over medicate a dog?!!

Vet showed me pictures of severe cases of this paw gnawing. I can't remember the name of the condition. It can get REALLY bad. I'm talking majority of legs even. So let's nip it in the bud, now. Causes...possibly boredom and separation anxiety. Who knew.

So on top of all the meds. I'm going to be playing A LOT more with them, as well as, finally focus on some serious leash training. I owe it to them :)
 Because this is no way to live.

Helps a bunch that I have a little helper too!

 Oh boys. We are going to figure this out :)
You might be a TON of work lately...but you're worth it!


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