Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Camping, swimming and a sweet steam engine!

Third weekend off work and we had yet another great time!
We headed out to the quarry on Friday night and didn't come back until Sunday afternoon.
(Thank you, Ron and Mitchell for taking care of the dogs all weekend!)

Believe it or not, I have VERY few pictures this year. I was busy playing with kids... AND chasing Gavin around trying to keep pants on him. Every time I turned around, the boy was naked from the waist down!
Here's a few pics from the quarry. It was a smaller crowd this year...but it was just as much fun as always.

It did rain a little bit on Friday night.
It wouldn't be a quarry party weekend without some drizzle.
Fortunately, it blew over and we had a beautiful weekend outside.
Seriously, every single time I turned around!
Eventually, he didn't even find a tree or a fence. He just stopped wherever he was!
No worries, I did get it under control.

Getting touched up throughout the day
Outdoor nap? Why the heck not.
I don't even care if you don't sleep.
Just relax a few minutes.
Another big deal... Gavin finally can hold his nose (the right way) and dive under water!
A movie before bedtime while we set up the tent and got everything ready for sleep.

Sunday morning, we did wake up and swim for a little bit, but then we headed home at lunch time.
We were tired and I was ready to get home.

About an hour after getting home though, my neighbor called to see if we were coming to see the train.

What train, I asked???

Uncle Ronny was on a train that was going to be doing a turnaround in Maumee.
(Thanks for telling us about it, Uncle Ronny!)

Sooo, we hopped in the car and drove over the bridge. It's only about 4-5 miles away.
Did I mention how quickly our plans change??
I don't even think we make plans...we just do things.

And he wasn't just on any train, it was a steam engine built in Lima, OH back in 1946!!

How sweet is that!
There were people everywhere watching, taking pictures, and waving.

Uncle Ron is right in the middle of this car here. 
Car #4.
We didn't see him either. But he saw all of us :)

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