Monday, August 6, 2012

That's a mighty big hole

Typically, I run home for lunch everyday to grab a bite and let my dogs out.
Today, I was welcomed home with a little surprise!

What the?!
I had to pull through yard to get into the driveway. The gas men must have been at lunch as well, because there was no one around. And I had some questions...

They did return before I left and informed me there was a gas leak and apologized for needing to dig up my driveway. Hey, no apology needed. Fix that stuff promptly, men!

Although, next time, do it when we are home so Gavin can watch the big trucks :)
Assuredly, I would have been dumbfounded by this had I not run home for lunch.
Good work, guys. I can barely tell you were here.
I wonder if they would have left a note had I not seen them at lunch??

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