Friday, August 24, 2012


Hallelujah, the big dead ash tree in my backyard finally came down.
It was missing most the bark and the thing was being held together with ratchet straps for the last few months.Not sure the ratchet straps were completely necessary, but the tree was split everywhere and the last thing I needed was it to just fall all over the back yard. Certainly onto Gavin's play-set.

Who do you call when you need a tree down? 
Friends that like to partake in occasional lumberjacka**ery, of course.

In all seriousness, they have cut down MANY of trees and were completely safe. And fast.
I can't believe the thing didn't shatter on contact with the ground.
There is going to be little sticks in my yard for-ev-er! 
Dog heaven.
And little boy heaven witnessing the chainsaws in action.
Ideally, Gavin wouldn't be around chainsaws, but as posted previously.....plans don't always work out.
Turns out, it was much more fun that they didn't!
Gavin was a big help loading up wood.
Then we were invited to follow them back home to unload.
They are having a bonfire in the fall. Wasn't it nice of me to donate to the pile??
Afterwards we walked around and looked at an old tractor...
Fed a horse

Played in some sand...
And even got to go on a four-wheeler ride!
I couldn't believe my good fortune when they invited us to stay for dinner, as well!

Somehow, I got the best end of the deal ALL day long.
I have good people in my life.

We ended with some nut throwing down to the crick before heading home.

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