Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Don't falter, little donkey. Carry on, little camper.

It's Election Day!
 Did I vote this morning? Nope. I blew the power out in my entire castle, instead! How did I do that? Why I was cooking, unmistakably. We finally had a "sleep-in" morning. No alarm until 7:15! Should have been plenty of time to shower, play, make Gavin homemade breakfast, AND hit the polls before work.
I live in a fantasy world sometimes.

It started alright. We created an awesome Lego tower and put up road carrots to block the dogs from knocking it over.

Better get the griddle fired up before we start having too much fun...
Pancakes, eggs and sausage!

I, myself, wanted a bagel sandwich, so I popped a Lenders into the toaster. 10-20 seconds later...nothing was cooking. How soon I forget that while the griddle is burnin', I can't use any other appliance on the counter.

Buuuut, I know how to fix it. So, I bounced on down into the basement and hit the breaker.
The MAIN breaker!
The whole place went dark and silent.
I hear Gavin crying upstairs.

Even better... It won't flip back.
What. Have. I. Done.

 Fantasy world.

Now what?
Never falter, the pancakes were already flipped and the griddle was hot enough to finish them to eat-ability. 

My egg was almost to my preference.

In the dark, sans cartoons, we set up camp in the living room and enjoyed our homemade breakfast, while calling my Dad for help.

Dad's recommendation: Go try it again.

Genius idea, Pops. I'll do that. This time, trudging back down the stairs in the dark...my bounce has left me as I now will not be showering or making it to the polls before work.

Guess it just needed to reset itself for a while, because it powered back up.
Again, I hear Gavin crying upstairs.
The TV made a loud "pop" when it snapped back on and for some reason didn't sit pretty with him.

Couple snuggles and a kiss fixed that mighty quick.
Carrying on...

I now have approximately 10 minutes to get us both dressed and out the door.
Call me Kelly Ripa, as I just threw Gavin's clothes at him and magically, he was dressed.

Upstairs getting my own dressings on, Gavin starts screaming my name...


"What?!" I rather, un-Mom like, yell back down.

"Chance won't stop showing me his butt!"

 {sigh- this time smiling}
Fantasy world.
But it's MY world.

"Get your coat on--Let's go!"

I'll hit the polls at lunch.

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