Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Four year well check-up

Gavin, were you ever ready to see Dr. Jon.
In fact, you ran into the building and were excited not only to push the buttons at the door, but the elevator, as well. You had no idea what was coming....

You talked to Tonya, the nurse, about ALL your favorite things. You told her about your firetruck birthday party and how you are four years old and a big kid now. You beamed when telling her you could not only draw a cross (as asked by her), but draw many shapes and write your name along with several other words. (Mommy, Daddy, pizza, cat and dog.) Stand on one foot? Well, of course, you demonstrated! When Dr Jon came in, you reiterated everything you had told the nurse and then proceeded to rub his head and tickle him.

You are now 46 lbs 8oz.
And  42 1/4 inches tall. 
Putting you in the 95 and 80 percentile, respectively.

Then the decision came....

You need 4 vaccinations before Kindergarten.
I haven't thought that far ahead yet. It's hard for me to fathom that it's less than two years away, wee one.
But let's get them over with, shall we? The shots, not the years.
All four vaccinations are available in just two easy peasy shots. They roll them together. Sweet.
We're doing it.
(They could divide them up between this year and your five year well.)

We talked about getting the couple pokes while waiting for her to return. I could see on your face that you suddenly knew what I was talking about as Tonya opens the door, because your lip immediately quivered. But you did not cry. You listened and hopped up on the table all by yourself. Mommy held your hands and talked to you while the nurse quickly stuck you in both legs. It was over before you knew it. Barely a tear ran down.


Let me tell you, you were MAD right after. And by mad, I mean, you wouldn't speak to anyone, you threw your blanket on the ground and had a look on your face of pure disgust.

You informed me that you never wanted to come there again and that it was So we walked out of the exam room, snagged a sucker on the way out and headed for the promised french fries.
ALL of a sudden, all was right in your world.

No more shots for 5-6 years they say.
Now was that really so bad??

I didn't think so.

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