Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bringing you up to speed....

So I feel that I should bring everyone up to speed on the events of the last month as I start this new blog.
On Sept 29th, Tim underwent surgery to have his Acl replaced. Mind you this happened foolishly as he was "playing" on a dirt bike at a bachelor party and apparently forgot that he is no longer invincible. He was thrown off the back as he "wanted to see what it had" and is lucky to have not been hurt more seriously.
Sept 30th was Gavin's first birthday!! So needless to say, we postponed a neither of the boys in my home were going to remember such an event. We did take some pics, and had a small birthday event the following weekend with presents and helium balloons:)
Tim is recovering wonderfully from surgery and his very anxious to start getting back to "normal." He is not the guy that likes to sit around, nor be at home all day alone. He has been doing the best he can around the house, and has even returned to class two weeks post surgery. He has Physical therapy twice a week and is moving along with it remarkably.
Gavin has been enjoying time at daycare, and being picked up by Grandma everyday! He loves spending time with Grandma and Grandpa until mommy can pick him up after work. He even started taking a few steps this week!!!!
What a handful we are about to have. We are looking forward to it tremendously!
As for for our furry friends, Sammy went to the vet today and we found out that he has allergies...wonderful. He chewed off his back nail and we were worried, but turns out it's common and it will heal just fine and we have nothing to worry about. Chance is amazing as always. He just goes with the flow. Both labs have been great with Gavin.
Poor Jazzy has learned to live with us all. He makes us remember he is still important and needs attention with the occasional hairball and the insistent need to be petted and in your face. Gavin loves the cat, and giggles EVERY time he sees him. Jazzy loves Gavin too. He lets him pull his hair, tail and push him off everything. I am awaiting the day to see Gavin carrying him across the room.
We are learning to adjust to our new routines and believe that by next month Tim will be back to work. (if not, Tim may go nuts!) I need to have Tim back to work, so that I can get my morning routine back on track. It's been nice having him here in the morning to help out...yet somehow, it hasn't gotten me out the door earlier...hmmm. This weekend we are "hopefully" going to the zoo for the pumpkin path so Gavin can dress up and see some new permitting. Then we are off to a 1st bday party of one of my coworkers daughters. We shared our pregnancy together and I hope that occasional playdates are in the future:)

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