Saturday, October 31, 2009

To bark, or not bark

I'm guessing everyone has a bad day, right?! So what could possibly top off a bad day?...if there is a way. A frickin dog warden note!
So I can't wait to finally get home from work tonight (after an extra long shift due to games) and learn that the dog warden received an "email" that we had excessive barking from our pups. Funny, since I can't stand it if our dogs bark outside, and am constantly bringing them in if they bark even once. The warden couldn't tell us anything other than to try and keep our pups quiet for the next week....I think they have the wrong door. Our neighbors dog barks like crazy, but not to the point I would EMAIL a complaint. However, I will not point blame or bark, and invited the warden over anytime he pleases! Joy.

We are very friendly with our neighbors. We all have dogs. Dogs bark. So who has the complaint?? If I have a problem with your dog, your music, you drinking, or your engines..I will stop by and kindly ask you, as a neighbor, to keep it at a respectable level. I know my who are you with the complaint of my non-barking dogs. The dog warden said they didn't even bark at him when he brought the notice!! No one is home, a stranger is knocking at the door, and my dogs are silent. Nice guard dogs aren't they:)

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