Monday, October 26, 2009


On Sunday we originally had planned to go to the zoo for the Pumpkin Path, but last minute decided that it would be too much walking for Tim. He is still doing great with his recovery, but let's not do anything crazy to slow it down. So while it was turning into a beautiful afternoon, I remembered that it was the day for the Rossford Parade!

So we got Gavin dressed up and headed into town.

We met up with one of my coworkers and her husband who currently live in the city and we walked downtown together. She just had a baby girl on Gavin's birthday! Sept 30th is quite the popular day!

Gavin was a very curious little chicken, he watched everyone and everything that went by. However, he did get startled in the beginning with the firetrucks blaring their horns and sirens. But as soon as we picked him up, everything was just fine in the world.

There was some slight delays in the parade. We later found out that a little boy had fallen off of a float on the first street, however, when we heard sirens, we had just assumed that it was part of the festivities. Don't worry, the child was not hurt. Just a delay in sections of the parade. We also learned that the high school is not the best place to stand. It's the end of the parade, and in future years, when Gavin will be interested in candy...most of the cars and floats and walkers were all out:(
Again, that is good to know for the future. Lots of kids walking by would stop to give Chicken Little a high five. Most the time, Gavin even gave them one. By the end of the parade, we had one sleepy chicken. Mind you, he usually gets a nap around noon...and at this point after all delays, it was after 3:30.

We also had a birthday party to attend that day for another coworkers daughters first birthday, however, as you may be able to tell....we didn't make it. Even if we woke him up, I wouldn't want to risk a meltdown at a party. So we came home and took a late nap. It was a nice afternoon.

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