Monday, October 26, 2009

I think we're falling for fall!

We were lucky enough to have another beautiful day today so we figured we would make the most of it and spend the afternoon outside a bit. Gavin's first pumpkin is all cleaned out!

Why didn't we carve it?? Well, that is because we got another late start. We were busy making "shakers" this afternoon with small washed out juice containers. We filled one with beans, elbow noodles, sesame seeds and orzo. You would be amazed at what is in your pantry sometimes that can be also used to fascinate a 1 year old. Gavin loves to shake them! The beans and noodles are much louder than the other two, so naturally are his favorites. And I wonder why I spend so much on toys......

Tim had to take Chance to the vet at 1:15. Just a check-up since he hasn't been in awhile. Figure we toook Sammy last week, might as well keep them on same vet schedule. Chance is now 98 lbs and Sammy is 80. Oh, on the way to the vet, being such a beautiful day, Chance had his head out the window. This is very typical with dogs. I know you have all driven past that dog in the front seat with his head hanging out and ears and tongue flapping in the wind. Well, Chance somehow stepped on the "up" window button. Tim caught it quickly and hit the power button on the driver side. So while the window never crunched the poor dog's neck, it did scare him enough to forcefully pull his big head through a small space cracking the rain guard on Tim's truck. Thank goodness for superglue!

While daddy was fixing his truck, Gavin and I started playing outside. Soon as the pumpkin was cleaned and scraped out, he quickly learned to take the "lid" on and off. And made sure we all watched him each time. He is a very busy talker, however, I usually have no idea what he is saying. Sometimes I make stories up that I think he is saying. Hey, sometimes I may be right.
Here, I am certain that he is calling us over to ask why we haven't started carving yet. (because it's almost dinner time)
And now, I guarantee he is mad because dinner time means we will be going in the house. It's been great to be outside the last two days. As well as fortunate that I had them both off of work!

Ok Gavin....a few more minutes outside won't hurt:)
Crinkly leaves.
I don't know about these, maybe you should pick me up now.
Or MAYBE daddy needs to roll with me:) Who doesn't love a pile of leaves??!!

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