Wednesday, July 28, 2010

18-month well check-up... what if he is 22 months old.

Well-check-ups have been off ever since 15 months due to ear infections. But we are finally almost back on track. He will get his 2-year vaccines at 25 months and then will be all set. Then we will be at yearly check-ups, which is as exciting to me as I'm sure it is to Gavin. Today we saw a different doctor because his usual doctor was booked until September. This is mostly my fault for not scheduling it months in advance as I used to do. But I wasn't about to let him get any more off track than he already is with vaccines. Dr. Fisher was super nice and we really liked her. Gavin still cried, but that has become normal at the office. 

Gavin is still a hefty kid. He weighed in at 35 lbs and is 35 inches. That translates to off the chart for weight and 90th percentile for height. His head you ask? It's a record 20 1/4 and puts him in the 97th percentile. So he is proportionately BIG in all aspects. I had thought all his running and swimming and jumping would have thinned him out a bit this summer, but it's not the case. He is still growing quickly. He has been eating less too. No worries, he isn't starving, he just prefers to run and play. We have sit down breakfasts and dinners, but lunch gets away from us sometimes in the afternoon as we have been busy, busy, busy. Yes, I do feed him lunch everyday, it's just not always at the same time, or as balanced as "super-mom" might feed her kids. He has great reports from daycare that he eats all or most of his food there, so I'm not concerned.

I attempted to make a list of all the new words Gavin is saying, but there is way too many! He is a chatter box! I guarantee there are over one hundred understandable words. He has even started to link two words together to communicate with us. I can't even begin to tell you about what he understands. EVERYTHING is my guess. He understands and follows simple instructions very well. And yes, he is still sleeping through the night (usually 11-12 hours) and averages a two hour nap every afternoon. 

I plan a more detailed update at 2 years, but thought I'd share a few things now after his appointment.

*side note* Our computer lost the ability to connect with the Internet about a month ago and finances haven't allowed us to fix it, so Tim dug out of the basement our really old computer to hook up in the meantime. That being said, ALL my pictures for the last month or so are on the other computer.....bare with me as I find means and time to get them off and bring this blog up to speed!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Building a Raft

The Annual Quarry Party is quickly approaching and the guys decided to re-introduce a raft to the scene this year! Yay! Plus these men just love to build things.
Now you try and tell a growing independent one year old that he can't help daddy. Remember I said previously that he is very into helping us with everything lately. So rather then try and distract him, I gave him his own job to do....remove all the stickers/tags from the end of each piece of wood.
Man, did he go to town to do the best job ever!
Now to assemble. Point to where the next piece goes, Gavin.
Now you can help by making sure all the boards are secure.
Check 'em real good!
How are they going to make that heavy block of wood float??
These silly guys thought it would be piece of cake to lift and slide barrels under...hahahaha. Not so much. They got it in the air and quickly started yelling for assistance to RUN the barrels over. Sissies.
It took a little bit of time, but they managed to lower the raft into the water and slide 6 barrels underneath and secure them. This party is going to be FUN!

Tearin' it up!

 My parents are in the process of doing some major remodeling at their house. It's going to be gorgeous when it's done, but it's a lot of work in the process. While they were on vacation, Tim and Gavin decided they would help out by tearing up the kitchen floor for them. The new stone/tile will be arriving days after my parents get home. They have been a major help to us the last few months and it's the least we could do to offer some help in return. (and by we, I mean Tim and Gavin) Someone had to take the pictures, right?
Gavin is such a big helper lately. He has learned to follow simple instructions and watches everything very attentively.
Notice his "tool" of choice? That would be my first pick too, buddy. I'm not a floor ripper upper either, so it looks good to me! By the way, I did pick up all the scrapings and put them in a bag while Gavin and I were there. That's helping, isn't it?
This floor is going to look GREAT!

Mother Goose Time

Recently I signed Gavin up for Mother Goose Time at the library for the month of July. The first visit we had he was more interested in playing with EVERYTHING in sight. He didn't know where to run first! We played with the house set and kitchen n shopping area.
We played in the puppet theater. There is a large basket overflowing with puppets for the children to create shows.
The favorite over the weeks has become the train table. Or has Gavin excitedly exclaims, "choo-choos." I must eventually find a set, preferably at a garage sale, to bring home and set up in his own room.

Ah yes, to the reason we began our adventures to the library...Mother Goose Time! Each week, approximately ten one-year old tots gather at a time to sing songs, listen to stories, interact stories with the BIG felt board, as well as some using their own personal felt board kits donated by the library. At the end of the month, we get to bring his home. The session lasts about 25 minutes, which is the perfect length for the age. (there are a couple different times that you can sign up to attend.) Did I mention at the end there are bubbles to chase and pop? The kids LOVE it. They clap their little hands and stomp their feet to burst every last one in the room.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Have you hugged your cat today??

Or pounced, flattened, attacked, ambushed...
I mean loved, nestled, curled up with or snuggled :)
Jazz was not harmed in any of these pictures. He, in fact, LOVES the attention from Gavin.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monet and Picasso

Nothing like a nice afternoon to make a mess outside! I've learned on numerous occasions that I can't do a painting project in my white kitchen without spending the latter half of my afternoon cleaning up. Not exactly how I like spending them sooooo outside we went....and we recruited another artist to have twice the fun!
We started with brushes, but we sure didn't end with them:)
You want another color Gavin? There are better ways to tell me that then to point and whine. Like maybe get up and get it? I know....they are soooo faaaar away!
Good girl Pressly, show him how to go and get new colors!
Now we're painting!
Time to clean up?? Let's head to the pool!
Now this is my kind of clean-up!
The Masterpieces!