Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monet and Picasso

Nothing like a nice afternoon to make a mess outside! I've learned on numerous occasions that I can't do a painting project in my white kitchen without spending the latter half of my afternoon cleaning up. Not exactly how I like spending them sooooo outside we went....and we recruited another artist to have twice the fun!
We started with brushes, but we sure didn't end with them:)
You want another color Gavin? There are better ways to tell me that then to point and whine. Like maybe get up and get it? I know....they are soooo faaaar away!
Good girl Pressly, show him how to go and get new colors!
Now we're painting!
Time to clean up?? Let's head to the pool!
Now this is my kind of clean-up!
The Masterpieces!

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