Monday, July 26, 2010

Mother Goose Time

Recently I signed Gavin up for Mother Goose Time at the library for the month of July. The first visit we had he was more interested in playing with EVERYTHING in sight. He didn't know where to run first! We played with the house set and kitchen n shopping area.
We played in the puppet theater. There is a large basket overflowing with puppets for the children to create shows.
The favorite over the weeks has become the train table. Or has Gavin excitedly exclaims, "choo-choos." I must eventually find a set, preferably at a garage sale, to bring home and set up in his own room.

Ah yes, to the reason we began our adventures to the library...Mother Goose Time! Each week, approximately ten one-year old tots gather at a time to sing songs, listen to stories, interact stories with the BIG felt board, as well as some using their own personal felt board kits donated by the library. At the end of the month, we get to bring his home. The session lasts about 25 minutes, which is the perfect length for the age. (there are a couple different times that you can sign up to attend.) Did I mention at the end there are bubbles to chase and pop? The kids LOVE it. They clap their little hands and stomp their feet to burst every last one in the room.

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