Monday, July 26, 2010

Tearin' it up!

 My parents are in the process of doing some major remodeling at their house. It's going to be gorgeous when it's done, but it's a lot of work in the process. While they were on vacation, Tim and Gavin decided they would help out by tearing up the kitchen floor for them. The new stone/tile will be arriving days after my parents get home. They have been a major help to us the last few months and it's the least we could do to offer some help in return. (and by we, I mean Tim and Gavin) Someone had to take the pictures, right?
Gavin is such a big helper lately. He has learned to follow simple instructions and watches everything very attentively.
Notice his "tool" of choice? That would be my first pick too, buddy. I'm not a floor ripper upper either, so it looks good to me! By the way, I did pick up all the scrapings and put them in a bag while Gavin and I were there. That's helping, isn't it?
This floor is going to look GREAT!

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