Monday, July 26, 2010

Building a Raft

The Annual Quarry Party is quickly approaching and the guys decided to re-introduce a raft to the scene this year! Yay! Plus these men just love to build things.
Now you try and tell a growing independent one year old that he can't help daddy. Remember I said previously that he is very into helping us with everything lately. So rather then try and distract him, I gave him his own job to do....remove all the stickers/tags from the end of each piece of wood.
Man, did he go to town to do the best job ever!
Now to assemble. Point to where the next piece goes, Gavin.
Now you can help by making sure all the boards are secure.
Check 'em real good!
How are they going to make that heavy block of wood float??
These silly guys thought it would be piece of cake to lift and slide barrels under...hahahaha. Not so much. They got it in the air and quickly started yelling for assistance to RUN the barrels over. Sissies.
It took a little bit of time, but they managed to lower the raft into the water and slide 6 barrels underneath and secure them. This party is going to be FUN!

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