Sunday, September 5, 2010

Big Boy Room

I had been wanting to update Gavin's room, however, Tim had taken such time and effort to paint the nursery that I hated to paint over the colored squares on the two walls...but they just don't do it with a "big boy" room.

My questions have been these: How do you know when to take the step to the "big boy" room? Is there a magic age? How do I know if he is ready?

I decided that it was time when he began climbing out of his crib almost daily and on some occasions, getting stuck in the rails. One day he was bound to get himself hurt climbing out.

Now had I researched my convertible crib a little better, we may have not taken this step yet.  I thought I had a crib that easily turned into a toddler bed when that time came. Well, I was wrong. It was not easy. I did very poor research come to find out. The crib I so fell in love with and purchased with the expectations of being a toddler bed had let me down. If I wanted to purchase a new custom mattress, this bed may have fared well. The website offers you a company that will make the custom mattress at a reasonable price. Oh, and I would also need to buy a custom rail for the side. So by the time I purchased these extra accessories, it only made sense to just pack up the whole crib and get a new set, because lets face it, I would need it eventually. Why spend the money on the "in-between" stage that is inevitably only going to last a short time anyway.

Good news!! We found a BARGAIN on the furniture!! My birthday was last month and I used my b-day money to buy his decor that I discovered at Target, but purchased on Ebay. Anything you find at the store, you can most likely find for half the price on Ebay.

He LOVES his new twin bed and a new favorite book to read is Eight Silly Monkeys jumping on the bed.

Sometimes we just play cars on the bed in the afternoon.

Any ideas why I went with this bedroom outfit???

I even found the matching curtains!

Oh and I MUST mention these amazing blinds we bought at Lowes. They block out the light when pulled down...YES, even during the ever-so-needed afternoon nap! I told Tim I wanted some for our room and he said "No Way Jose...You'd never get up" haha, that may be partly true ;)

This room just screams cars and little boy's favorites. Wonder where he gets it?!

But of course..I kept a souvenir from the "baby" room.

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