Monday, September 27, 2010

A little magic with some felt

After attending many sessions of storytime at the library, it was very obvious that Gavin's favorite part was going up and putting the felt pieces on the easel during the story. Now that schedules have changed and storytime isn't so easy to attend, I thought, why not do it at home?!

While I like to think that I am pretty creative and artsy, I bought these first few felt stories on Ebay. For $2-$4 bucks you can find them. Eventually I will start making my own, but right now I'd rather spend my time reading the stories, than creating them. The first one I got was Hey Diddle Diddle.

Next we moved on to The Little White Duck.

Don't let this face fool you....he LOVES it.

It also doubles has a cool tunnel. Kind of. He is too big and gets stuck every time!

I just splurged and ordered a train set of felt pieces for five bucks! There are a few stories/poems to go with it but I was thinking more about using it to work with colors. Each train car is a different color. G loves trains. He can make a choo-choo out of everything. Books, blocks, bunny bowling name it! This should be fun. I can't wait to get them.

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