Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Miscellany

Just a few things from this past week =)

1. As Gavin and I were about to leave for daycare and work one morning, he had to run back over to the computer desk for something. The desk is near the front door, so I turned back around to see what he was doing. He had grabbed the lint roller and was rolling his pants. Now if only he had said "stupid dog hair," it would have been a perfect imitation of me on some mornings.

2. After playing at the park one evening, we got home a little later than I would have liked to make dinner. So luckily, I had some "Any-tizers" in the freezer to cook real quick. They were chicken cordon blue minis, so I wasn't sure what he would think of them. I baked 10 of them. The idea was for me to have 6 and Gavin have 4. My idea and Gavin's idea were different. Rather, he ate half of ALL TEN! Yes, a big bite or two out of each and every one of them. Thanks for leaving me some, buddy.

3. Yesterday I found him emptying a tub of wipes from his diaper bag. When I ask him what he is doing, he puts them to his nose and says "boogers."

4. The dogs have been pretty good lately, but sometimes I can't get them in the house fast enough at night before bugs flock to the lights in the kitchen. Last night one (bug) made it into the living room. Gavin excitedly and almost anxiously chased it back and forth yelling "bug, bug, bug."

5. During dinner time, I keep the dogs in the kitchen. There is a gate that keeps them in there. They always lay right next to it and keep an eye on us in the living/dining room. Sometimes, they don't even get up when we are finished and try to push the gate open and bring our dishes to the sink. I've noticed that all week, whenever we go to open the gate, I hear a "MOVE DOGS" from a little mouth next to me. I really need to watch what I say.

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